COVID-19 Mitigation Protocols

Safeguard Security Group COVID-19 Mitigation Protocols Introduction  The following represents Safeguards COVID-19 Mitigation interventions. The document is active and will be updated as events and best practices evolve. Some sections, like CIT, have submitted their...

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Statement on COVID

Safeguard Employee Tests Positive for COVID 19  For the past three months, Safeguard has screened an average of more than 2000 employees each day.  This screening involves a temperature check and a symptoms questionnaire, the results of which are gathered in a central...

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Safeguard invest in its dog section

Safeguard invests in security dogs and their training Safeguard Security has invested significantly in its dog section, which in Harare has moved from Graniteside to a more spacious environment in Greendale, where dogs are housed in modern purpose-built kennels with...

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Safeguard introduces close protection service

Safeguard Security now offers a close protection service to ensure the safety of VIPs or groups living within Zimbabwe or visiting Zimbabwe from other countries who may be anxious about their security. It is believed to be the first security organization in Zimbabwe...

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Chitungwiza businesses construct ZRP base to help curb crime

Members of the business community in Chitungwiza’s Tilco industrial area have constructed a police base there for the Zimbabwe Republic Police in an effort to combat increasing crime within the area.  The Officer Commanding Police in Harare Province, Commissioner...

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