• Crime increased by 41% from 46 to 65 over the past two months. Compared to the same period last year, crime increased by 32%.
  • In the past two months, robberies and break in increased
  • The high-risk period for break ins was between 0200hrs and 0300hrs, whilst armed robberies occurred between 0100hrs and 0200hrs.
  • Residential sites were the most vulnerable, with break-ins as the most prevalent crimes. Fuel stations are currently vulnerable to robberies.
  • Analysis continues to show that intruders are less likely to succeed in their crimes if a site has multiple layers of security – deterrent perimeter , alarm with response ,guarding etc.


  • Plain aluminium framing is not ideal for securing your residence or business and easily breached. Reinforce these areas by installing Xpanda doors and burglar bars as these delay intruder entry in the event of a break in.
  • With intruders vandalising security systems make sure that these systems are protected and ideally hidden from staff and visitor view . Consider dual response signalling- response radio link AND sms or internet link.
  • Ensure that you are arming your system daily and checking the alarm health using the Safeguard App. Use the app to promptly log a fault or maintenance request for your systems. Take note of failed to test notifications and other system alerts. You can email us on ftt@safeguard.co.zw
    • Call in for advice on your systems (WhatsApp/telephone – use the 086 number /email).
    • If needed get someone to come in and deal with the issues you have identified.


With the current statistics and incidents reported by the Zimbabwe Republic Police, crimes such as break ins, theft and fraud are likely to continue increasing. Robberies may remain constant especially due to pressure on law enforcement to curb the crime. It is prudent for all clients to reduce and transfer risk and invest in appropriate security solutions for their homes and businesses as security is not a one size fits all.

Thank you for using Safeguard.

The Safeguard Team

If you want to know more about crime in your area, or would like some advice, please drop us a line at
. You can also call Safeguard on +263 242 751395-9 the Safeguard extension 1092/1009 for assistance). or speak to your local Safeguard manager for advice on site. Please see more information relating to crime statistics below.







Break In, 23 February 2025, 0423hrs, Lanark Road, Avondale – Harare: Client called the control room and reported a break in. Intruders scaled over the wall and attempted to force open the main screen door and kitchen window. The intruders failed to access the building and fled the scene. The alarm activated at 0423hrs, but the response team did not see any signs of break-in. The client also reported that the previous week, two batteries were stolen from a truck parked outside.

Theft, 17 February 2025, Unknown Time, Lanark Road, Avondale – Harare: Client called the control room whilst testing the electric fence and reported that some taps had been stolen from the site. There were no signs of break in, and the electric fence alarm did not activate during the night.

Break In, 15 February 2025, Unknown Time, Arden Road, Highlands – Harare: A client called the control room reporting a break in. Intruders broke through a window without burglar bars and proceeded to ransack the offices and break into a safe.

Theft, 12 February 2025, Unknown Time, King George Road, Avondale: A guard raised the control room and reported that unknown suspects stole a gate-motor and battery from the site.


Break In, 24 February 2025, 0017hrs, Yeovil – Mutare: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activated. On arrival the team reported that intruders damaged the palisade bars and attempted to steal fuel from the site but fled when the alarm activated.

Break In, 22 February 2025, 0026hrs, Sakubva – Mutare: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received. On arrival, the team reported that intruders cut a palisade bar and siphoned diesel from the generator.


Break In, 28 February 2025, 0130hrs, 5 and 6 Bradford Street, Belmont – Bulawayo: A night guard raised the control room and reported that he had just apprehended an intruder whom he found on site. The intruder had a 5-litre container and reported he had accessed the site to fetch water.

Theft, 20 February 2025, 0158hrs, Old Victoria Falls Road, Bulawayo: Intruders accessed the site with the intention to steal copper cables. The intruders were disturbed by the internal guards and fled the scene.

Theft, 19 February 2025, Unknown Time, Emerald Hill – Harare: Client called and reported that a gas tank was missing from a locked cage. No signs of forced entry were visible.

Break In, 16 February 2025, 0145hrs, Alexandra Park – Harare: A guard raised the control room after he apprehended an intruder on site.

Theft, 12 February 2025, Unknown Time, Willowvale – Harare: A guard raised control and reported that unknown suspects stole fence droppers from the site.


Armed Robbery, 25 February 2025, 0250hrs, Seke Road, Graniteside – Harare: A response team was dispatched a panic signal was received from the site. On arrival, the team reported that intruders armed with a firearm, iron bars and machetes attacked the private security guards and fuel attendants. The intruders forced their way into the cash office and used explosives to blow open the safe.

Armed Robbery, 21 February 2025, 0133hrs, Glaudina Park – Harare: A guard reported to the control room that there had been an armed robbery on site. A suspect driving a black Honda Fit with no registration plate arrived on site under the pretext that he wanted to purchase fuel. The suspect then pointed a firearm at the fuel attendant and demanded cash. The fuel attendant handed over the cash and the suspect fled the scene.

Theft, 15 February 2025, 0350hrs, Railway Street, City Centre – Mutare: A response team was dispatched after a panic signal was received. On arrival, the team reported that the private guard had arrested a suspect who had stolen a fire extinguisher.

Theft, 14 February 2025, 1927hrs, Domboshava Road, Hatcliffe – Harare: A female motorist was apprehended after she attempted to use a fake note to purchase fuel pm site.

Robbery, 06 February 2025, 0157hrs, Fuel Station, Park Road, Nyakamete – Mutare: Approximately nine suspects attacked the guard, forced their way into the building and removed an undisclosed number of valuables. A response team was dispatched after a panic signal was received from the site during the incident. Four of the suspects made to attack the response team prompting the team to request back up from the police. The intruders had fled the scene when the police arrived.

Armed Robbery, 03 February 2025, 0145hrs, Mushandike Drive, Pangolin – Masvingo: Four suspects armed with explosives, firearms and iron bars attacked the guard and fuel attendants and forced them into the office. The suspects switched off the power, forced open the xpanda door and wooden door to the strong room and proceeded to blast the safe with explosives. The suspects managed to remove an undisclosed amount of money from the safe. The police responded to the incident but failed to apprehend the suspects as they reported that their firearm jammed when they tried to fire at the suspects whilst they were still on site. The suspects managed to flee the scene.


Armed Robbery, 23 February 2025, 0425hrs, St Patricks Road, Hatfield – Harare: A client pressed her panic on the Safeguard App and requested a response team at her workplace where a robbery had occurred. Intruders accessed the site and held up four employees who were working on site. The suspects took the employees cellphones and money and opened the safe which was empty. The employees informed the intruders that the money is not kept on site but at one of the manager’s homes and the intruders fled the scene.

Break In, 15 February 2025, Zengeza 4 – Harare: A response team was dispatched after a client called and reported a break in on site. Intruders broke a display window and its screen, vandalised the alarm and proceeded to remove some grocery items from the site. The window did not have any sensors and as such no signal was received as the intruders entered the site.


Break In, 27 February 2025, 0349hrs, 77th Avenue, Sunridge – Harare: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received. On arrival, the team met with a caretaker who reported that intruders scaled over the paneled wall and forced open the main entrance. The intruders failed to access the building as there was a burglar screen installed.

Break In, 20 February 2025, Chilonga Road, Chiredzi – Masvingo: A guard raised the control room and reported a break in. Intruders cut the fence and drained diesel from a tractor.

Armed Robbery, 20 February 2025, 0142hrs, Watts Road, New Ardbennie – Harare: A guard raised the control room and reported that ten intruders forced their way into the property. The intruders slapped the guard and proceeded to get a hold of the client who resides on site. The intruders forced open one of the and proceeded to ransack the offices. The intruders took some money which was in a drawer. Another resident who also resides on site fired a firearm and the intruders fled the scene.

Break in, 18 February 2025, Unknown Time, Edison Crescent, Graniteside – Harare: Client called the control room and reported a break in. Intruders broke the front doors, cut through the roof and damaged the alarm cables. The intruders ransacked the offices, but no losses were reported.

Break In, 17 February 2025, Unknown Time, Liverpool Road, Nyakamete – Manicaland: Client called and reported a break in. Intruders forced open the cash office window, cut the safe padlock and stole some money. The alarm did not activate as it hasn’t been working since 16 February 2025.

Break In, 16 February 2025, 1245hrs, Thorngrove – Bulawayo: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activated on site. On arrival, the team met with a guard who reported that intruders had cut the whole in the fence and attempted to enter the site.

Break In, 14 February 2025, 2250hrs, Birmingham Road, Southerton – Harare: A Safeguard supervisor raised the control room reported that he had seen two intruders hiding in a bush in the process of stealing some goods from the site. The intruders who had iron bars, dropped the guards and the iron bars when they saw the supervisor.

Break In, 13 February 2025, 0248hrs, Harrow Road, Msasa – Harare: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activated. On arrival, the team were informed by the guards that intruders broke the panelled wall. The intruders covered an outside beam and broke the main entrance padlock. The intruders stole some beverages from a refrigerator and fled the scene.

Break In, 10 February 2025, 0200hrs, Manchester Road, Southerton – Harare: A guard raised the control room and reported that he had seen an intruder jump over the wall. Investigations revealed that the intruder cut the razor wire but fled the scene when the guard raised alarm.

Break in, 11 February 2025, 0154hrs, Chipanda Street, City Centre – Mutare Manicaland: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activated on site. On arrival, the team reported that intruders switched off the breaker inside the building and ransacked the offices. A cash box was recovered inside the premise, and it is suspected the intruders dropped it as they fled the scene.

Break In, 10 February 2025, 0245hrs, Highfield Road, Southerton – Harare: A guard raised alarm after she saw three intruders inside the premise. The intruders had damaged the panelled walls to enter the premise but did not proceed further after they were spotted by the guard. The intruders started throwing stones at the guard after she raised alarm.

Theft, 10 February 2025, 1600hrs, George Avenue, Msasa – Harare: A guard raised the control room and reported that a customer had reported a theft from vehicle incident. The customer reported that a bag containing money had been stolen from his vehicle which he parked outside when he entered the showroom.

Theft, 09 February 2025, Unknown Time, Industrial Site, Sakubva – Manicaland: A guard raised the control room at 0504hrs and reported that ten fence poles had been cut and stolen from the site.

Theft, 07 February 2025, 2030hrs, Industrial Site, Craig Allan Road, Ardbennie – Harare: A guard raised the control room and reported that there was an intruder attempting to steal mattresses. The intruder was seen by some night staff and a response team was dispatched.

Break In, 05 February 2025, 0241hrs, Vehicle Repair, Craster Road, Southerton – Harare: A response vehicle was dispatched after an alarm signal was received from the site. On arrival, the team reported that intruders forced open a back wooden door and cut the key. The intruders tried to force open a metal door, failed, and proceeded to bend the storeroom burglar bars. Two card boxes were open, but the client reported that nothing had been reported from the site.

Break In, 05 February 2025, 0308hrs, Mine, Kwekwe – Midlands: A response team was dispatched after a panic signal was received from the site. On arrival, the team was informed that unknown suspects accessed the site through the back, damaged the sliding door to the boiler room, stole a drum and a brick used when smelting gold, and fled the scene. The site has an internal guard and the client who resides on site pressed the panic after the incident occurred.

Theft, 03 February 2025, Unknown Site, Kelvin North Road, Graniteside – Harare: A panic signal was pressed at 0834hrs after the guards discovered that unknown suspects cut and stole the borehole armoured cable. An outside sensor was also vandalised. The incident was reported to the police and a suspect who works opposite the site has been arrested so far.

Break In, 03 February 2025, Boscobel West Drive, Highlands – Harare: Unknown intruders accessed the site and stole a curtain from the site. Signs of attempted break in were also seen at another house where the intruders forced a sharp object through the window.

Break In, 01 February 2025, 2249hrs, Dunlop Road, Belmont – Bulawayo: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activated on site. On arrival, the team checked the site with the guard and discovered that intruders scaled over the panelled wall, climbed onto the roof and entered the building through the ceiling. An alarm activated whilst the intruders were inside, and they fled the scene empty-handed.

Break In, 02 February 2025, Unknown Time, Walsall Road, Thorngrove – Bulawayo: Unknown suspects made a hole in the fence, broke through the window, and burglar bars and vandalised the alarm panel. The intruders used grinders to open the safe in the cash office and took some petty cash before fleeing the scene.

Break In, 01 February 2025, 2310hrs, Hillside Road Extension, Msasa – Harare: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activated on site. Intruders forced open the reception door after breaking through the panelled wall. The intruders ransacked the offices, but no losses were reported.


Break In, 28 February 2025, 0300hrs, New Parklands – Bulawayo: A response team was dispatched after an alarm and panic signal were received from the site. Intruders attempted to enter the residence through the back door but fled when the alarm activated.

Break In, 25 February 2025, 2351hrs, 13th Avenue and George Silundika, City Centre – Bulawayo: A response team was dispatched after an alarm was received from the site. On arrival, the team reported that intruders cut the electric fence and fled the scene when the alarm activated.

Theft, 24 February 2025, 2300hrs, Mkoba 14 – Gweru – Midlands: A guard raised the control room and reported that there were intruders targeting the transformer on site. The intruders fled the scene when the response team arrived.

Theft, 19 February 2025, Fifth Street, City Centre Mutare – Manicaland: A response ream was dispatched after a panic signal was received. On arrival the team was informed of an intruder on site. The intruder was apprehended as he was suspected to be involved in a theft at a nearby site.


Theft, 26 February 2025, 2134hrs, Glamis Road, Hatfield – Harare: A response team was dispatched after a panic signal was received from the site. On arrival, the team reported that the client pressed the panic after he was informed of a theft of personal belongings at the cottage which is not covered by an alarm.

Break In, 25 February 2025, 0233hrs, Mclean Crescent, Marlborough – Harare: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activated on site. On arrival, the team reported that intruders entered the premise through an unrepaired hole in the wall, accessed the house through the veranda and vandalised the alarm keypad. The intruders took a toolbox which was in the dining and fled the scene.

Break In, 24 February 2025, 0001hrs, Ada Artwell, Ilanda – Bulawayo: A response team was dispatched after a panic signal was received from the site. On arrival, the team was advised that one of the residents saw an intruder attempting to force open the window and trying to unlock the door on CCTV. No losses were reported on site.

Break In, 19 February 2025, 0306hrs, Baltimore Road, Avonlea: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received. On arrival, the team reported that intruders cut the fence at the back yard, forced their way into the dining room and proceeded to the client’s bedroom. The client raised alarm, and the intruders fled the scene with an inverter and a battery which were in the dining room. The client also reported that other personal belongings were also stolen.

Break In, 18 February 2025, Unknown Time, Dawnhill Road, Greendale – Harare: Client called the control room and reported a break in. Intruders removed a wall panel and stole the gate motor. The gate motor is covered by a sensor, but no alarm signal was received.

Theft, 18 February 2025, Unknown Time, Lauchlane Avenue, Meyrick Park – Harare: A client triggered the alarm at 1319hrs and once the response team arrived the client reported that intruders had stolen a battery from a vehicle parked on site. There are no sensors where the vehicle was parked when the incident occurred.

Break In, 14 February 2025, 0235hrs, Harare Drive, Marlborough – Harare: A response team was dispatched after the alarm activated. On arrival, the team found the gate wide open with the lock missing. There were footprints headed towards the garage. No losses were reported.

Break In, 09 February 2025, 0325hrs, Mahatshula North, Mahatshula – Bulawayo: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activation was received from the site. On arrival, the team reported that intruders scaled over the panelled wall, forced open a lounge window which triggered the alarm. The intruders managed to remove a television from the lounge and fled the scene after breaking through the French door.

Break In, 02 February 2025, 0215hrs, Matopos Road, Famona – Bulawayo: Two suspects made a hole in the fence and accessed the premise. The suspects were immediately seen on camera, and the resident who is currently in the UK, triggered the alarm prompting the suspects to flee the scene empty-handed.

Break In, 08 February 2025, 0259hrs, Languedoc Lane, Newlands – Harare: A response team was dispatched after a guard panic signal was received. On arrival, the team reported that intruders had removed a top panel from the perimeter wall and cut the bottom electric fence strand. No losses were reported.

Robbery, 08 February 2025, 1222hrs, Stratford Drive, Greystone Park – Harare: Three suspects jumped over the perimeter wall, entered the kitchen and proceeded to assault a resident whilst demanding valuables. Some staff who reside on site managed to react and apprehended two of the suspects before they fled the scene. The resident alleged that they pressed the panic, but no signal was received.

Break In, 07 February 2025, 2157hrs, Wilson Drive, Greendale – Harare: A panic button was pressed after one of the residents saw an intruder throwing out clothes from the cottage. The intruder proceeded to hide in the ceiling and managed to escape by jumping over the plain panelled wall. No losses were reported, and the alarm had not yet been set when the incident occurred. The perimeter wall does not have top guarding.

Break In, 05 February 2025, 0500hrs, Residential Site, Eastern Road, Mandara – Harare: An alarm signal was received, and a response team was dispatched. On arrival, the team reported that intruders broke an aluminium door and stole solar batteries, dumbbells and an inverter from the gym. The gym does not have an alarm installed and the alarm was triggered from the main house after the incident.

Break In, 05 February 2025, Unknown Time, Residential Site, Leopold Takawira Road, Murambi – Manicaland: A client called the control room and reported that there had been a break in on site. The intruders broke through the perimeter wall and proceeded to enter the house through the roof. The intruders ransacked the building and stole a guitar. It is unclear if any other items were stolen. Investigations revealed that the electrical breakers were off, and the last alarm signal was received on the 27th of January 2025.

Break In, 02 February 2025, Unknown Time, Sable Road, Matsheumhlope – Bulawayo: A client called and reported a break in on site. Intruders cut off one of the burglar bars. The intruder used one of the bars to block the gardener’s room. The intruder and entered the residence and used pillows and blankets to craw to the study where he stole some money. The incident was discovered when one of the clients woke up after the fact and discovered the break in. Unfortunately, the alarm was not set when the incident occurred.


Theft, 19 February 2025, 2000hrs, Highlands – Harare: A guard raised the control room and reported that suspects broke into a vehicle and stole a laptop and some clothing. CCCTV playbacks revealed that the suspects were driving a white Honda Fit registration AFH 1519 and had specifically targeted the vehicle.

Break In, 19 February 2025, 0342hrs, Marondera – Mash East: A response team was dispatched after an alarm activated. On arrival. The team reported that the toilet window was broken, and the burglar bars were cut. Intruders open all doors (the area was not covered by sensors) used a wrench to open the showroom and storeroom doors. The alarm activated inside the showroom and the intruders vandalised the wiring. No losses have yet been reported as the intruders did not manage to damage the safe.

Theft, 18 February 2025, Unknown Site, Borrowdale – Harare: A client called and reported that eight poles had been stolen from the site.

Armed robbery, 01 February 2025, 2027hrs, New Lobengula – Bulawayo: Two armed suspects entered the shop, fired warning shots and attempted to steal money from the site. The intruders fled when the employees raised alarm.


Theft, 09 February 2025, Unknown Time, Financial Institution, Mutare – Manicaland: A suspect was arrested after he stole a chair from an ATM.

Theft, 08 February 2025, Unknown Time, Scripps Road, Hogerty Hill: A client emailed Safeguard and reported that a transformer in the neighbourhood had been vandalised. No further details were provided as there was no alarm or guard in the area.

Theft, 07 February 2025, 0433hrs, Public Location, Kingsmead Road, Borrowdale – Harare: A guard pressed his panic after he saw and heard unknown suspects stealing from a transformer outside the premise she was guarding.