- 34% decrease from 70 to 46 between December 2024 and January 2025. This is a 33% decrease in incidents where a crime was committed compared to the previous year.
- There was a decrease in violent crimes with the Zimbabwe Republic Police reporting on several arrests in Masvingo and Harare as well as pursuits in Bulawayo in the month of January
- Violent crime decreased however 3 incidents of assault/physical attacks were reported with 1 serious incident whereby intruders attempted to sexually assault a resident at a non-client site in Mutare. This was prevented by a timely intervention by our response team called by a neighbor.
- Most incidents occurred between 0000hrs and 0600hrs making this a vulnerable time for crime, especially break-ins. Break-ins were more prevalent at residential sites whilst thefts were more prevalent at industrial sites.
- Trends and reports continue to reflect the need for functional early intruder detection systems. Losses were more likely to be prevented in instances where the alarm activated before intruders reached the target.
- Invest in good lighting for your premise and ensure that you have a clear line of vision in most parts of the property.
- Always listen for unusual sounds before cancelling an alarm activation. Never leave the house in the event you suspect intruders on site as this leaves you and your family vulnerable to attack.
- Invest in alarms for the protection of buildings and valuable stock and assets. An alarm with response is the most cost effective and effective security first step.
- If you have CCTV on site connect it to the response centre so that they can see what is happening when an alarm is activated. This is ESSENTIAL for commercial premises and is our consistent and longstanding advice
- Call in for advice on your systems (WhatsApp/telephone – use the 086 number /email).
- If you have an alarm and response download the Safeguard App which will allow you to test your alarm without the need for a technical call, and receive alerts on the status of your system (power, battery, signals, armed or not)
- If needed get someone to come in and deal with the issues you have identified.
Thank you for using Safeguard.
The Safeguard Team
info@safeguard.co.zw. You can also call Safeguard on +263 242 751395-9 the Safeguard extension 1092/1009 for assistance). or speak to your local Safeguard manager for advice on site. Please see more information relating to crime statistics below.


28 January 2025, 0509hrs, Residential Site, Beit Road, North End: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received on site. An intruder was apprehended after he scaled over the wall which had a razor wire and attempted to force his way into the house. The intruder proceeded to forcibly enter the resident’s vehicle but was caught as he was trying to drive the vehicle out. The residence is secured with outdoor sensors and a house alarm which was activated during the incident.
22 January 2025, 2324hrs, Industrial Site, Doncaster Road, Belmont: Intruders cut one of the windows with a hacksaw and attempted to steal irrigation and solar equipment from the site. The alarm activated and the intruders fled the scene empty-handed. The site has an electric fence, and intruders accessed the site through one of the exits which had a bypassed zone. The intruders were equipped with a hacksaw, screwdriver, and other break-in implements.
18 January 2025, 0156hrs, Financial institution, Esigodini: An alarm was activated after intruders broke into the site vandalised the system, and attempted to possibly target money from the shop.
17 January 2025, 0110hrs, Manufacturing Site, Leamington Road, Belmont: A subcontracted worker attempted to steal a 50kg sack of sugar from the site. An on-duty guard caught the worker in the act and the worker fled the scene.
12 January 2025, 0104hrs, Residential Site, Lendy Road, Northend, Bulawayo: An alarm activation was signal was received and the client cancelled the response team. A security guard was present on duty at the time; however, the intruder’s attempt to breach the premises went unnoticed. No losses were reported on site.
12 January 2025. 0322hrs, Industrial Site, Plumtree Road, Belmont, Bulawayo: The radio room controller received an alarm activation and immediately dispatched the reaction team to the scene. Upon arrival, the response team reported that intruders gained entry to the premises by using a crowbar to forcibly remove part of the sliding glass door. However, they were disturbed when the alarm system was triggered. A subsequent stock count revealed that 9 vehicle batteries, valued at USD840.00, had been stolen.
08 January 2025, 0402hrs, Residential Site, Edenfield Road, Matsheumhlope: A client called the control room and reported that there were intruders onsite. Unknown intruders cut the electric fence, broke a window, and attempted to enter the house. The intruders fled the scene when the alarm activated.
07 January 2025, Unknown Time, Industrial Site, Goldway Road, Kelvin: Unknown suspects broke into the site, forced open the offices, and removed a safe from the site. The safe was recovered in a nearby bush with all the money still in the safe. There was no guard on site and the alarm was not armed when the incident occurred.
04 January 2025, 0256, Residential Site, Holden Garde Avenue, Hillside: Intruders broke the kitchen window, stole a bowl from the kitchen, and fled the scene.
04 January 2025, Unknown Time, Residential Site, Leander Avenue, Hillside: Intruders broke the electric fence to access the yard and proceeded to force open the burglar bar at the lounge. The intruders ransacked the house, removed an undisclosed amount of goods, and fled the scene. The alarm was not armed at the time of the incident and the incident was only discovered the next morning.
03 January 2025, 0408hrs, Residential Site, Emhlangeni: Two intruders lifted the electric fence to access the site. The intruders vandalised a lounge window to access the residence and threatened to shoot the resident. The intruders tied up the client and ransacked the house. The intruders fled the scene with some alcohol, personal items, and some money.
30 January 2025, 0232hrs, Residential Site, Twickenham Drive, Mount Pleasant: Client called the control room after the electric fence sounded. A response team was dispatched on arrival they reported that intruders had cut two electric fence strands. The electric fence is not radio linked and as such no signal was received at the control room.
25 January 2025, 0125hrs, Industrial Site, 210th Street, Kuwadzana: A Starsheet guard pressed the panic button after he saw an intruder stealing a solar light from the site.
24 January 2025, Unknown Time, Residential Site, Montgomery Road, Highlands: A report was received that some gym equipment and car polish were missing on site. It is unclear when the property was removed from the site and there were no signs of forced entry observed by the guards or client.
20 January 2025, 2145hrs, Financial Institution, Jason Moyo Avenue, City Centre Harare: A female was apprehended by a guard after she was caught trespassing on site. Investigations revealed the female had the intention of lodging on-site illegally.
18 January 2025, Unknown Time, Dublin Road, Emerald Hill: A report was received that unknown persons stole a battery and inverter from a classroom on site. The site is manned by Safeguard but there are not alarms in the classrooms.
14 January 2025, 2125hrs, Industrial Site, Foundry Road, Aspindale: During patrols, a guard was attacked and robbed of his cell phone and walkie-talkie.
14 January 2025, 0255hrs, Fuel Station, Waterfalls: A response team was dispatched after an alarm was activated on-site. On arrival, the team reported that 4 intruders armed with a pistol and iron bars attacked the guard and fuel attendants and robbed them of personal belongings. The intruders intended to blow the safe but failed as the alarm at a neighbouring shop kept activating.
10 January 2025, 0549hrs, Industrial Site, Mukuvisi Woodlands: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received from the site. Intruders forced open the palisade gate and an office door and removed a small fridge and medical aid kit from the site.
10 January 2025, 0015hrs, Retail Site, Hull Road, Southerton: A client called the control room reporting a break-in on site. A Securico CCTV operator reported that 7 intruders opened the main entrance door using a card and proceeded to ransack the offices looking for cash. No alarm signal was received and the client advised that the losses are yet to be confirmed.
09 January 2025, 2219, Transformer, Waller Avenue, Groombridge: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received from the site. Approximately six intruders attempted to steal oil from the generator but fled when the alarm activated. Three of the of the suspected intruders were arrested by police as they were responding to the scene.
08 January 2025, Unknown Time, Willowvale: Unknown suspects stole some fence droppers from the site and fled the scene. The incident was discovered by a patrolling guard who reported the incident to the control room.
08 January 2025, 0307hrs, Cellphone Tower Station, Epworth: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received from the site. On arrival, the team reported that intruders attempted to steal fuel from the generator but were disturbed by an internal guard patrolling at a nearby school.
08 January 2025, 2150hrs, Retail Wholesaler, Glen Norah: The client called the alarms control room and reported that intruders had broken into the site and stolen cigarettes and a laptop from the site. The intruders accessed the building through the roof and vandalised the alarm signal.
07 January 2025, 2000hrs, Highlands: 2 suspects driving a white Toyota Fortuner broke into a vehicle parked on site removed some laptops and personal belongings and fled the scene.
04 January 2025, 0037hrs, Cellphone Tower Station, Mount Pleasant: A response team was dispatched after a signal was received from the site. It was discovered that intruders stole fuel from the site after the gate was left open. A 9-metre hose was recovered from the site.
04 January 2025, 1426hrs, Residential Site, Iona Close, Borrowdale: A client called the response control room after he apprehended an intruder who scaled over his wall to access his yard.
04 January 2025, 1900hrs, Residential Site, Hereford Road, Emerald Hill: A client called the control room requesting assistance after an intruder struck her on the hand through an open window.
03 January 2025, 1457hrs, Financial Institution, Manyame, Chitungwiza: A response team was dispatched after a panic signal was received on site. Four male suspects arrived on site, fired a shot in the air and attacked a cashier whilst demanding money. The suspects who were wearing face masks, took some money from the cash box and fled in a vehicle of an undisclosed make and colour.
02 January 2025, 0334hrs, Kirkman Road, Westlea: A panic signal was received after a customer driving a Toyota Surf duped a fuel attendant and drove off without paying for fuel.
01 January 2025, Unknown Time, Industrial Site, Harrow Road, Msasa: A guard raised the control room after he arrested an employee stealing on-site. The employee managed to remove a welding machine, some oil and a grinder from the site and threw them over the wall. Fortunately, the welding machine and oil were recovered during the arrest.
01 January 2025, 0000hrs, Business Site, Samora Machel, Harare City Centre: On the 14th of January 2025, the client called Safeguard management and reported that an undisclosed amount of money was missing on site. Investigations revealed that on the 1st of January 2025, two employees who work for the client accessed the premises after hours and entered the office where the money was presumably missing, and it is suspected the two may have been involved in the theft.
30 January 2025, Unknown Time, Residential Site, Bauhinia Drive, Murambi: The client called the control room and reported a break-in on site. A response team was dispatched and on arrival, they reported that intruders broke through the panelled wall to enter the premises. The intruders fled the scene when the dogs started barking. The targeted area was not covered by an alarm system and hence no alarm signal was received.
28 January 2025, 0117hrs, Residential Site, Murambi Road, Murambi: A response team was dispatched after a panic signal was received from the site. On arrival, the team was informed that intruders wearing face masks attacked the client’s neighbours and she pressed the panic after she heard screams. The neighbours were attacked with machetes and attempted to sexually assault the female resident as they demanded money. The intruders fled the scene when they saw the response team’s flashing lights.
25 January 2025, 0100hrs, Residential Site, Hillside Crescent, Murambi: Unknown suspects entered the residence through an unknown access point stole some clothing, money, groceries, and cellphones, and fled the scene. The client was left locked inside the house. The alarm activated at 2204hrs, but the client cancelled the response as she believed all was in order on site. The intruders proceeded to break in at approximately 0100hrs as that is when the client heard noise.
24 January 2025, 0400hrs, Retail, Herbert Chitepo Road, Mutare: A guard raised the control room and reported that 100 chicks were stolen from the site.
23 January 2023, 1000hrs, Wholesaler, Newcastle Road, Muneni: Two suspects driving a Mazda with registration AFR9751 deflated a customer’s tyre and stole two laptops from the vehicle as the customer changed the wheel. The customer had unfortunately left the vehicle unopened when the incident occurred
21 January 2025, 1338hrs, Residential Site, Alexander Road, Boarderview: Two individuals were apprehended by the response team after they forcibly entered a residence with the intention to remove personal belongings on site. The two reported that they were removing the belongings as one of the
individuals was now estranged from the owner of the house. The owner of the house was not at home when the incident occurred but later gave consent for the removal.
21 January 2024, 2012hrs, Residential Site, George Silundika Avenue, Mutare: A guard raised the control room after an intruder scaled the perimeter wall, tampered with a key, and attempted to force entry into one of the cottages. A crowbar was retrieved by the response team as they checked the site.
18 January 2024, Unknown Time, Residential Site, Murambi: A guard raised the control room at 0600hrs and reported that one of the doors was open and unlocked. The client was advised, and she reported that some groceries had been stolen from the site.
16 January 2025, 1612hrs, Cellphone Tower Station, Mutare: A response team was dispatched after an alarm was activated on-site at 1334hrs on the 17th of January 2025. On arrival, the team reported that intruders had siphoned an undisclosed amount of fuel from the site, and it was revealed that the last video feed signal had been received at 1612hrs the previous day. However, when the signal was received the control room did not see anyone on site.
14 January 2025, 0445hrs, Residential Site, Speke Road, Murambi: A client called the control room and reported that there were intruders on site. A response team was dispatched and reported that the intruders had fled the scene and that they had retrieved a bolt cutter on site.
04 January 2025, 0248hrs, Cellphone Tower Station, Sakubva: A response team was dispatched after an alarm was activated on-site. Intruders damaged the iron bars and removed undisclosed valuables from the site.
Mashonaland West
15 January 2025, Unknown Time, Financial Institution, Chinhoyi: Intruders vandalised the alarm and attempted to blast open a safe. No alarm signal was received.
No reports currently.
Matabeleland North
No reports currently.
27 January 2025, 0210hrs, Industrial Site, Kwekwe: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received from the site. On arrival, the team saw three suspects fleeing the scene. It was discovered that the intruders attacked and tied up a private guard before attempting to remove a safe from the safe. Fortunately, the intruders were disrupted by the response team and no losses were reported.
16 January 2025, Unknown Time, Trafford Road, Gweru Industry: A client called the control room and reported that the generator battery was missing. There was no alarm at the generator and the site is manned by guards. Investigations are currently underway.
04 January 2025, Unknown Time, Manufacturing Site, Gweru Industry: A client employee was apprehended by a guard after he was found in possession of concealed alcoholic beverages.
Mashonaland Central
No reports currently.
Mashonaland East
08 January 2025, 0231hrs, Industrial Site, Mutare Road, Ruwa: A response team was dispatched after an alarm signal was received from the site. On arrival, an internal guard advised the team that a tent had been stolen from one of the trucks.